Lessons from Living in Ten Foreign Countries
English Language Tutor, Language Center
Originally from Ireland, he is keen on exercising, reading, writing etc. Traveling between different countries, he records every moving moment in the past. During the past years, he has lived in nine other countries: Australia, Cambodia, South Korea, Japan, Spain, Saudi Arabia, UK, France and the USA. He is not only the beloved teacher by students, but also a traveler that never stops roaming.
Knowledge comes from experience. Your life experience determines what pattern you will have and what the vision you will have. If you are moved at his theme, please come here and listen it. You will definitely enlighten from it.
Inherit the essence of music along with running the dream
Alfred Music
Alfred Music Official Certified Tutor Professional Music Tutor Original Musician
She can't imagine herself without music. She is never satisfied, ceaselessly challenging her potential. From a teaching assistant to a freelance musician, from her first original song to recording musician, those 14 years will always remember her efforts. Run with the dream, set sail with the goal, everyone is great at it. With a journey full of music, hope to meet you in the way of chasing dream.
Experience a different kind of humanistic feelings in traveling
Course Convener of Chinese Languages and Culture Centre
The world is so big that everyone wants to see it. Everyone is looking forward to a trip that takes you away.
Forget the travel experience of the crowds and seas, take your dreams and souls, with your pair of feet and eyes to get ready for a trip.
You will see the rising sun which reflects the lotus pond in the ruins; the devout Brahman on the banks of the Ganges, smeared ashes on his forehead; an authentic ballet is being performed at the Mariinsky Theatre. Of course, you will also be at the crisscrossing trails to cope with the dilemma of language barriers, plus grapple with the frauds has been around.
There is no end to a journey. Travelers are forever on the road. If you are standing at the starting point and hesitating to start, come and talk to me.
Ordinary but unusual
Year 4 International Business with Spanish
Student Representative Student Lecturer in Table Tennis as an optional Class Amateur Photographer
Volunteered in Mexico, a romantic and mysterious country; traveled in New Zealand alone; worked as an intern in one of the world’s top 500 companies: all of this is a good experience for her self-improvement. Moreover, she has received an offer from the Edinburgh University of International Human Resources Management. Before you meet her, you never know what college life could be so wonderful.
With the inner energy and determination, she keeps pursuing for the bigger world and a better self. If you are eager to grow up and long for the normal but unusual life, come and listen to her life experience that will definitely bring changes to you.
Debater in the spotlight
Year 2 Applied Mathematics
XJTLU English Parliamentary Debate Organizer & Teaching Assistant "FLTRP CUP" Suzhou District Open Championship and Best Debater
As a debater, she won numerous debate events with her knowledge, thinking skills, language skills and resilience. As an organizer, she trains many debaters and discusses with them the arguments, techniques, and significance of the debate.
The debate on her is not just an exchange of ideas and opinion, but also an inner growth. She plays different roles in her debating career and will take you to experience the speed and passion of the debating.
The master of time management
Year 2 Financial Mathematics
CPA Australia Student Ambassador
Are you unable to balance research and study? A freshman, who has passed 8 papers of ACCA, wants to tell you not to slack off. Having achieved the first place in HL EAP module and full scholarship for Financial Mathematics, he also has participated in the summer program of LSE and successfully completed it. From this, his team won third place in the summer social practice.
He is not such a perfectionist, just spending every minute striving for the right things.Let learning be a weapon, let effort be normal and let good habits be developed. Hope we all can become a better person in the future.
Look into the Automobile World from the perspective of the designer
Senior Engineer of China CRRC Qingdao Sifang Stock Company--the world's largest rail vehicle and equipment manufacturer
He is a senior engineer in the world’s largest rail vehicles and equipment manufacturers.He participated in the designing, developing and manufacturing of the Harmony and Fuxing EMUs.Year after year, working hard day after day in the EMU industry, he has made significant contributions to the people's fast and comfortable journey.
Want to understand the history of China EMU? Want to learn about the hot spots related to EMU? Let Mr Wang Yanqing take us for a journey to appreciate the world of EMU.
Explore the infinite possibility of four years in XJTLU
Year 4 Applied Mathematics
Winner of the National Scholarship of University of Pennsylvania
Want to get a high score but in vain?
Want to improve your resume but don't know how?
Want to step into the dream school but afraid of risk?
He was confused and nervous, and focused on his skills and strength that’s why he got high score.He organized seminars and studied hard and searched for his dream and he realized his dream is in the University of Pennsylvania.
Are you curious about what x of 4+x can be? How far can you go from XJTLU?
Please come here to find the answer.
The story behind Three Squirrels Snack Company
Year 2 Accounting
Former Vice President of ILEADs-CDC
Start with her own business expertise and actively explore the intrinsic value of the Three Squirrel Snack Company. Start with the little nuts, to share the stories and mysteries behind this vast retail chain.
If you are also fascinated by this type of corporate culture and look forward to it, then let’s discuss it together. Believe me, it will bring you a new kind of auditory feast.
A Trilingual, thinker, and leader
Year 3 Marketing
the former President of Suzhou Indonesian Student Community (SISC)
He is an Indonesian student and the former President of a student organization which is directly connected, authorized, and supported by the embassy and consulate general of Republic of Indonesia. He is experienced in managing formal organizations, event organizing, and also charity works.
Specialized in Human skills and loves to explore and learn about cultures around the world. Do you want to improve your social skills, time management, coordinating and managing people, or perhaps interested to know more about Indonesia and its culture? Then you really should come and he will be the best person for that.
“生活中总要有热情,追求自己的爱好什么时候开始都不算晚。” 刚刚完成自己demo录制的原创音乐人韩旭这样说道。中央音乐学院毕业的她不仅有姣好的面容,更有着极深的生活感悟。她以一首清唱歌曲作为开场白,并在分享活动中与大家谈到了自己曾大学时闷在琴房里苦练指弹技巧的经历,她表示,那些日子带给自己的并不只有一种熟练的技艺,在其间磨砺出的韧劲和坚强才最是值得拥抱的。她把音乐融入生活,再用生活灌溉音乐的诗意生活强烈的吸引了在座的学生们。同学们在她的分享中了解了许多音乐方面的相关知识,聆听了她的学习之路,收获颇丰。
活动最后,十位真人图书被授予“真人图书证书”,并与各位读者合影留念。读者们纷纷留下自己的阅读感悟,并期望能再次“借阅”。 来自大三的何同学,她对活动的举办给予了极高的评价。她认为,“这样的活动既可以帮助学生增进和社会的交流,更好的适应未来的学习生活,还能够明确自己的奋斗目标,树立可学习的标杆。能在一个半小时的时间里遇见有趣的灵魂,并与之进行思想的碰撞,实在是幸运的事了。”