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Happenings @ Your Library 2022: Issue 15 - 2022.7-12


The Library PPT and EXCEL Online Training Courses were Successfully Completed

In order to better support our students’ learning, a total of 8 sessions of online courses were held successfully from 2nd to 24th November......


Desk copy and student textbook distribution for Semester 1 in AY22/23

In accordance with University Arrangements, Library TPD conducted three sessions of centralized textbook distribution......


"Suzhou AI Industry Patent White Paper" project has passed the Review

The meeting on review on “Suzhou AI Industry Patent White Paper” was held by the Market Regulation Office of Suzhou (Department of Intellectual Property).......


XJTLU Research Profile & ESI Research Performance Report (Nov 2022 Issue) Released

The Library has released the XJTLU research profile for the recent 5 years and the November 2022 Issue of the ESI research performance report.