In order to celebrate 70th Anniversary of PRC and help XJTLU students and teachers better understand the history and the image of China and exactly deliver Chinese traditional spirit and culture, a joint exhibition of Chinese Farmers’ Paintings entitled "PAINTING THE CHINESE DREAM” is opened to the public during the period from 18 September to 31 October 2019.
Here comes the fourth “W·E Musicale” Event: Wave Stage Piano Concert. Student performers provided a feast for the ears of any music lovers at Wave Stage. Student performers from the Art Society joined us on the evening of October 16th to enjoy the beauty of the music. "W.E Musicale" can be regarded as a sub-event under "W.E" (the acronym for Wisdom and Exploration) series of XJTLU Museum, which regularly delivers "concerts" to XJTLUers on different themes.
Themed on “The Leading Museums”, the Six Series of XJTLU Museum Culture Lecture (Season 2) invites Mrs. Wang Chen, Secretary and Deputy Director of Suzhou Silk Museum, over for the “KAI TAN LE” event. It is intended for teachers and students from all over the world at XJTLU to hear and feel the stories behind Chinese silk and the Suzhou Silk Museum.