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Happenings @ Your Library 2019: Academic Support Services

Library User Survey 2019


To access library service quality, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) Library conducted the Library User Survey 2019 in late March and early April. In total, 1562 valid responses were received and almost half of the respondents provided written comments.

The survey results show that 94.75% of the respondents are generally satisfied with Library services, maintaining the overall satisfaction rate at the same level as last year (94.69% in 2018). Since 2016, the rating of the Library’s overall performance has kept stable above 93.00%.

Usage Report of XJTLU Library Digital Resources


Usage statistics are influential in deciding if a resource should be reviewed and flagged for possible cancellation, if more training is necessary or if the number of concurrent users should be increased or decreased. This report is produced with the intention of presenting the landscape of XJTLU Digital Library and its usage within 2018 and the previous year.

Most of the data in this report is provided according to Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER) standards, the internationally accepted initiative to facilitate the recording and reporting of online usage statistics. A small quantity of data provided by vendors is not COUNTER compliant since the vendors are smaller or primarily focus on the corporate market. The usages of free resources which are supported by other libraries/organizations are not included from the usage statistics.

Preservation of FYPs, Dissertations and These

The preservation of students’ Final Year Projects (FYPs), dissertations and theses in XJTLU is consistent with international best practice. The purpose is to increase the visibility and discoverability of student works, showcase the high calibre of research underway at XJTLU, increase overall education and research productivity through effective sharing, and harness the intellectual capital of the university.

To move on, the Library drafted policy on preservation of FYPs, dissertations and theses in the summer break of 2018. Comprehensive discussions have happened between the Library and Graduate School. Comments and suggestions from academic departments were well collected and reflected. Following the approval of the policy, the Library suggests to implement the policy to preserve the FYPs, dissertations and theses among the current cohort of graduates in AY2018/19.