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Borrow, Return, Renew & Reserve: 1. Start

Shows you how to locate & obtain a book in XJTLU library.


This is a basic guide that helps you to locate a specific book (when you already have a title in mind) using OPAC, the default library catalogue search in XJTLU Library. 

This consists of the following steps: 

(i) Searching OPAC

(ii) Checking the physical location of book (Where is the book physically located?)

(iii) Checking the status of the book (Is the book available or out of stock?)

(iv) Verifying if the book is available for loan (How do I check-out the book?)

(v) Returning the book before due date (How do I check-in the book?)

(vi) Renewing the item if you still need to use it (How do I check and renew the book?)

(vii) Reserving an item if the item is out of loan (How do I place a hold or request if the book is not on shelf?)

(viii) Recommending a book to be purchased or doing an inter-library loan if the item is not held in XJTLU Library (How do I obtain a book if XJTLU Library does not own it?)

If you are looking for a book that might be in your interest, you should do a keyword search or browse the shelves by call numbers.


To check the availability of any item you want to borrow, please go to You may log in using your XJTLU account (same login information as your university email account). Simply search the catalogue using key words relevant to your desired item (author, name, subject etc.). Click on any item to see its detailed information such as call number or location in the library. The detailed information will display the floor your item is located on; use the call number to locate the item on the library bookshelves (look for stickers relevant to your call number). If all the copies of the book are on loan and you still wish to borrow it, please refer to the RESERVE BOOKS section.


Tip #1 Books with same title

Books, especially textbook often share very common titles like Introduction to Econometrics. Moreover, some textbooks are available in more than one edition. If you are looking for a certain edition,we suggest that you search by ISBN or the call number to be more specific.