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Endnote is a reference management program that keeps all your references and reference-related materials in a searchable personal library. EndNote connects with word processor documents and allows you to create formatted citations, bibliographies and lists of references from your EndNote library. An EndNote library can also be synced between personal computers and/or EndNote Web or shared with other researchers during collaboration.
The ACM Digital Library is a research, discovery and networking platform containing the full-text collection of all ACM publications, including journals, conference proceedings, technical magazines, newsletters and books. It also includes a collection of curated and hosted full-text publications from select publishers and the ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a comprehensive bibliographic database focused exclusively on the field of computing. More than an index, the ACM Guide to Computing Literature serves as the engine that drives the most exciting functionality of the ACM Digital Library, including features such as ACM Author Profile Pages, which includes bibliographic and bibliometric data for over 1,500,000 authors in the field of computer science, and the ACM Institutional Profile Pages, which includes bibliographic and bibliometric data for every academic, government, and industry organization publishing articles in the field.
The ACM digital library is a vast collection of citations and full text from ACM journal and newsletter and conference proceedings. It is the world’s biggest collection of its type in the fields of Computer Science, Information Science and Information Technology.
The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) is a not-for-profit professional organization that publishes of titles including some of the profession's most prestigious journals, conference proceedings, and ASME Press books in mechanical engineering. ASME journals are vital to keeping engineers abreast of current theory, practice, and application. The high quality of peer-reviewed contents can be retrieved from ASME Digital Collection platform.
Ei Compendex is a bibliographic database of engineering research literature, containing over 13.3 million records and references to over 5000 engineering journals, conference proceedings, dissertations, standards, books, and recently preprints. Ei Compendex content is sourced from thousands of publishers from around the world, including major engineering societies such as IEEE, ASME, SAE and ACM. The broad subject areas of engineering and applied science are comprehensively represented.
The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) is currently the largest non-profit professional technical society in the world, with over 450,000 members in more than 160 countries. IEEE holds technical authority in fields such as electrical and electronics, computer science, semiconductors, communications, power and energy, biomedical engineering, aerospace systems engineering, and consumer electronics. IEEE publishes over 200 technical journals and hosts more than 2,000 technical conferences globally each year. Additionally, it develops over 1,200 international and industry technical standards.
Material ConneXion is a database of innovative materials, including polymers, glass, ceramics, carbon-based materials, cement-based materials, metals, natural materials, and natural material derivatives. Includes high-quality graphic representations, technical information, and manufacturer information. Search by keyword, product name, manufacturer’s name, or Material ConneXion index number.
Web of Science Core Collection is the world's leading citation database. It contains records of articles from the highest impact journals worldwide—including open access journals— conference proceedings and books. Web of Science Core Collection provides following indexes: Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE), Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (AHCI), Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Science (CPCI-S), Conference Proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities (CPCI-SSH), Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Current Chemical Reactions (CCR-EXPANDED), Index Chemicus (IC).
Art & Architecture Complete is a leading database for the study of art and architecture. It offers 204 active full-text art journals and magazines. In addition to full-text art journals, Art & Architecture Complete includes a collection of more than 63,000 images provided by Picture Desk and other sources. Beneficial for artists, scholars, and designers, it encompasses fine, decorative, and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design.
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