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Happenings @ Your Library 2021: Textbook Service

How to Collect Your Textbooks for Semester 1 in AY2021/22

In order to protect the health and safety of staff and students, Textbook Service Center has been completely disinfected and sterilised. Also, COVID-19 nucleic acid tests have been performed on all the textbooks and all the results are negative. Thus, Library offers textbook collection to students.

In accordance with University Arrangements, students can collect their textbooks from 5 to 10 October 2021 at the Textbook Service Center. Students should make sure XJTLU Pass Code is green and follow the precautionary health and safety measures to collect textbooks on site. Students who MISSED the centralised distribution can collect textbooks at the Textbook Service Center during opening hours before WEEK 10 (19th November).

For students who are stuck outside or inside Mainland China by COVID-19 pandemic could apply for textbook posting service before WEEK 6 (22nd October).