Journal-Level Metrics
Journal-level metrics address weights or prestige that publications are seen to carry. These metrics can help you to evaluate the quality of a publication, but it is suggested not to use them alone to assess the quality of articles within a particular publication.
Q1: 0.0 < Z ≤ 0.25 Q2: 0.25 < Z ≤ 0.5 Q3: 0.5 < Z ≤ 0.75 Q4: 0.75 < Z
How to find the JIF and JIF Quartile of a journal?
Step 1: Find Journal Citation Reports (JCR) under 'J' in Databases A-Z list on library website.
Step 2: Browse journals, or search for a particular journal in the search box.
Step 3: Click the title of the journal and go to the journal profile page to find the JIF.
Step 4: Scroll down the journal profile page to find the Rank, Citation Distribution, Open Access, Content Metrics. Note that the JIF Quartile for the same journal can be different in different subject categories to which the journal is assigned.
How to find the SJR and CiteScore of a journal?
Step 1: Find Scopus under 'S' in Databases A-Z list on library website.
Step 2: Click 'Sources' at the top menu.
Step 3: Browse all journals or search for a particular journal for title or ISSN.
Step 4: Find the journal in the result list and click the title to the source details page to find its SJR and CiteScore.