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Happenings @ Your Library 2020: Academic Support Services


Review of E-Discovery Week 2020


The 6th E-Discovery Week was successfully held between October 12th and 16th 2020. The whole week event, holding annually in the past 5 years as well, received a bunch of positive feedbacks from XJTLUers in terms of promoting Library e-resources. This year, the E-Discovery Week was featuring 4 activities:

- E-Discovery Challenge: more than 1200 XJTLUers join the E-Discovery Challenge by answering 8 quizzes to know XJTLU Library e-resources and academic services in general

- E-Resource Training Workshops: 8 training workshops offered by librarians and vendors attracted more than 230 XJTLUers

- E-Discovery Board Game: 2 teams (each consisted of around 20 students) participated in the game to learn library e-resources and searching skills with fun

- E-Discovery WeChat Interaction: 3240 XJTLUers read the broadcast message of E-Discovery Week 2020 and 363 shared the message in their communities

“It’s a great opportunity for us to present our resources to students and teachers and also tell them how to utilize these resources in their learning and research. Also, it’s great for us to have feedback from our customers, from our end users, to evaluate our products and evaluate our services as well,” said Sophia Jiang, EBSCO training specialist.

More details of the E-Discovery Week 2020 are available on the E-Discovery Week Website. We look forward to your participation in our future E-Discover Week events!


Successful Scholarly Communication Mini-symposium Held

The Researcher Academy @ XJTLU Library webinar was once again successfully held. On October 28th, more than 100 researchers from the XJTLU community joined the Scholarly Communication Mini-symposium – Gear up for scholarly publishing onsite or online. Three guest speaker, Ms. Qing Li (from IEEE), Prof. Johannes Knops (Department of Health & Environmental Sciences), and Dr. Jia Meng (Department Biological Sciences) have brought us with wonderful talks about scholarly publishing.

We look forward to your participation in our future Researcher Academy @ XJTLU Library events!

R Workshop Series Review


On the afternoon of November 18th, Dr. Yi Zou (Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences) delivered one workshop: Data Analysis with R Language. During the workshop, Dr. Zou recommended two books (XJTLU Library provides both books in digital version) for XJTLUers who would like to know more about R:

- A Beginner's Guide to R / by Alain Zuur, Elena N. Ieno, Erik Meesters

- Advanced R: Data Programming and the Cloud / by Matt Wiley, Joshua F. Wiley

On the afternoon of November 25th, Dr. Peng Zhao (Assistant Professor, Department of Environmental Sciences) delivered one workshop: Modern Statistical Graphs with R. During the workshop, Dr. Zhao demonstrated a variety of graphs by using R, including word cloud, violin plot, wind rose, advanced scatter plot, pair plot, etc.

Dr. Zhao also recommended books for XJTLUers who would like to learn more about statistical graphs:

- 学R: 零基础学习R语言 / 赵鹏, 李怡著 (published, will arrive in XJTLU Library soon)

- 现代统计图形 / 谢益辉, 黄湘云, 赵鹏 著 (will be published soon)

- ggplot2: Elegant Graphics for Data Analysis / by Hadley Wickham (in XJTLU Library collection)

- Graphing data with R / by John Jay Hilfiger (in XJTLU Library Collection)

To review the workshop in detail, please visit Dr. Zhao’s blog:


XJTLU Intellectual Property Information Service Centre Successfully Established


XJTLU Intellectual Property Information Service Centre was officially established after preliminary for six months. The Centre will keep in step with the national and university development plans and take into account the needs of university learning & teaching, scientific research and management.

The IPISC will deliver high-quality information services: intellectual property literacy education, patent search and sci-tech innovation information retrieval, and in-depth patent analysis.

Find more information on IPISC Homepage.


Intellectual Property Seminar Successfully Held


On the morning of November 19th, the XJTLU Intellectual Property Information Service Centre invited Mr. Yan Jiang (from Shanghai Pudong Intellectual Property Administration 浦东新区知识产权局), to give a speech on Game of Intellectual Property in Business Competition (商业竞争中的知识产权博弈).

Dr. Xin Bi (Director, Centre for Knowledge and Information), colleagues from XJTLU Intellectual Property Information Service Centre and Research engagement information office, representatives from local corporations and students who are interested in intellectual property joined the seminar.