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Happenings @ Your Library 2020: Academic Support Services


Library User Survey Report 2020


To assess library service quality, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) Library conducted the Library User Survey 2020 in May.

The Library received 1,054 valid responses and over half of the respondents (58%) provided written comments. The survey results show that 96.4% of the respondents are generally satisfied with Library services, which is higher than the overall satisfaction rate (94.8%) in last year. Since 2017, the rating of the Library’s overall performance has kept stable above 94.00%.

For the complete version, please click the link of XJTLU Library User Survey 2020.


Usage Report of XJTLU Library Digital Resources 2019


Usage statistics are influential in deciding if a resource should be reviewed and flagged for possible cancellation, if more training is necessary or if the number of concurrent users should be increased or decreased. This report is produced with the intention of presenting the landscape of XJTLU Digital Library and its usage within 2019 and the previous year.

Most of the data in this report is provided according to Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources (COUNTER) standards, the internationally accepted initiative to facilitate the recording and reporting of online usage statistics. A small quantity of data provided by vendors is not COUNTER compliant since the vendors are smaller or primarily focus on the corporate market. The usages of free resources which are supported by other libraries/organizations are not included from the usage statistics.

For the complete version, please find the guide page for Digital Resources Usage Report 2019.

Library Online Challenge for E-resources & Online Services


Although the physical location is closed, the library continues to provide high quality resources and services for all staff and students. In order to further familiarize them with these resources and services, the library held the online challenge in May.


Researcher Academy @ XJTLU Library


XJTLU Library held an online scholarly communication webinar on May 27th, 2020. This very first event in our theme project Researcher Academy@XJTLU Library has invited editors from top international journals and active researchers from XJTLU to share their experiences and tips on various scholarly publishing topics.

This webinar has invited editors from top international journals and active researchers from XJTLU to share their experiences and tips on various scholarly publishing topics, including journal selection, manuscript preparation, peer reviewing as well as research dissemination. We would like to thank our guest speakers Dr. Lu Shi, Dr. Sekar Raju, Dr. Peng Zhao and Dr. Yi Zou for sharing their experiences and stories with us, and we would like to thank our audience as well for taking their time to join us.


Library Affairs Committee (LAC) Meeting


The Library Affairs Committee Meeting 19/20 was held on 6th of May by XJTLU library.

- The 'Terms of Reference ' of LAC was revised.

- ‘Guidelines on Library Access and Privileges ’ was approved.

- Summary Report on AY2020-21 S1 Reference Textbooks was presented by the library and discussed in the meeting.