You can find both printed and electronic books in XJTLU Library Catalogue using either keywords for your topic, or using Subject Headings such as those listed below.
Searching by keyword allows you to find words mentioned in book titles, chapter titles, subjects, and author names. Keyword searches can be combined to find books on two or more topics using AND or OR. Searching by Subject Heading is more precise, but searches for broad topics in the book.
Some subject headings you may want to start at include the following. Some will have cross references to other related topics, and most will have sub-headings for more specific topics, formats:
• Actuarial Science • Probabilities • Insurance • Statistics
Smart Tips: Once you find a highly relevant item, use the assigned subject headings to locate similar items.
For more information about finding and using e-books in XJTLU Library, refer to E-books guide.
Here are a few books that may be useful to you as an actuarial sciences student.