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Freshmen Quick Start Guide

Welcome to study in XJTLU, it is the start of a new and exciting adventure. The library is integral to your study and you will need to use the library resources to find information and support your education.

XJTLU Library "Did you know" Videos

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This video shows you the loan quote and                    Watch this video to learn how to search a                   Watch this video to know how to reserve 

period for staff and students. (1:46)                             printed book on XJTLU Library website. (1:49)            printed book on XJTLU Library website. (2:53) 

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The video shows you how to find past exam               This video shows you more details about how             Watch this video to learn how to view and renew

papers on XJTLU Library website. (1:41)                    to reserve a group study room on XJTLU                    current borrowing on XJTLU Library website.(1:47)                                                                                                                       Library website. (3:27)

The video shows you how to request inter-branch

book on XJTLU Library website. (3:31)