This section provides a list of databases which you may find useful.
De Gruyter offers a vast collection of eBooks across a wide range of subjects, such as Architecture and Design, Arts, Classical Studies, Cultural and Area Studies, Economics, Education, Psychology, Communication, Engineering, Computer Sciences, History, Law, Library and Information Science, Linguistics, Literary Studies, Mathematics, Medicine and Life Sciences, Philosophy, Physics, Chemistry, Materials Sciences, Geosciences, Political Science, Sociology, etc. The eBook collection offers a rich mix of book types for all levels of research such as monographs, textbooks, handbooks, and more.
The Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) is a 97,000-strong global membership organisation with over 200 years of history. As a publisher serving the engineering community, ICE Publishing produces a wide range of books and journals sharing expert advice, leading research and best practice in civil engineering and construction. ICE eBook collection covers every major discipline in the field of civil engineering. Fully searchable across 13 subject specific areas, over 1,500 titles, it constitutes the largest civil engineering eBook collection in the world.
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is the world's top professional in the field of engineering academic society. The IET Digital Library is a global repository of science, engineering and technology focused content produced by IET.
IOP eBooks is the latest eBooks project launched by Institute of Physics Publishing, which aims to build a collection of high-quality physics books through innovative digital publishing methods. It includes IOP Expending Physics and IOP Concise Physics. The library has ordered eBooks published from 2014 to 2023, which covers a wide range of subjects, including semiconductor research, atomic and molecular physics, theoretical physics, electronic structure, materials science, network science, renewable energy, meteorological physics, engineering, mathematics and optical physics.
Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is an authoritative international academic institution, and also is a major chemical information dissemination agency and publisher. Royal Society of Chemistry eBooks cover the full breadth of the chemical sciences, offering focused, reliable information on topics ranging from nanotechnology and smart materials to drug discovery and toxicology.
Springer Nature’s comprehensive eBook collections deliver complete access to impactful scholarly content spanning all subject areas. All the collections are available on SpringerLink providing instant access to critical research. For every level of education and research, our eBook collections offer a rich mix of book types such as textbooks, proceedings, monographs, handbooks, and more.
Taylor & Francis eBooks is a single destination platform with eBooks in science, technology, engineering, medical, humanities and social science. Researchers have a single point of discovery for eBook content, multiple search options, and more. Access to the platform will allow users to: search ebook content at both the book and chapter level, filter search results by subject area, publication date and year published, and create citations in APA format.
World Scientific Publishing (WSP) is an academic publisher of scientific, technical, and medical books and journals with headquarters in Singapore. WSP publishes about 500 books annually as well as more than 150 journals in various fields. The titles of World Scientific eBooks span across a wide variety of subjects, including: Asian studies, Business & Management, Chemistry, Computer Science, Economics & Finance, Engineering, Life sciences, Mathematics, Physics & Astronomy, Social Sciences.
Cengage is the world's leading innovative educational publisher, providing professional services to many universities and libraries. Its products and services are designed for clients to achieve academic excellence, career development and provide authoritative information anytime, anywhere. Cengage eBooks covers multidiscipline including business, management, computer science, mathematics, natural science, engineering, language and literature, etc.
Chao Xing eBook Database is the world's largest Chinese online library, housing millions of full-text electronic books. The books cover various academic disciplines, and the platform is committed to providing more people with high-quality, convenient, and personalized digital reading experiences, offering a wealth of important reference materials for the teaching and work of colleges and research institutions.
NOTICE: For the first time reading or downloading Chao Xing (Hui Ya) e-books, you need to install the Chao Xing reader and complete the registration according to the system prompts (refer to the operation document at the top of the page). You can only use it after logging in. Chao Xing reader only supports the Windows system and is not compatible with MAC, iPad, or mobile terminals.