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Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) is an authoritative international academic institution, and also is a major chemical information dissemination agency and publisher. Royal Society of Chemistry eBooks cover the full breadth of the chemical sciences, offering focused, reliable information on topics ranging from nanotechnology and smart materials to drug discovery and toxicology.
Wiley Online Books combine quality content with the convenience, accessibility, and enhanced functionality of electronic access. Now featuring over 20,000 scholarly and professional books, handbooks, dictionaries, companions, and landmark book series, Wiley Online Books provides comprehensive coverage in nine subject areas: Business, Finance & Accounting, Health & Medical Sciences, Math & Statistics, Chemistry, Humanities, Social Sciences & Psychology, Physical Sciences & Engineering, Life & Earth Sciences, Veterinary Medicine. The collection discovers premier titles from the most celebrated scientists, award-winning authors, and renowned researchers in the life, health, and physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities.
Springer Nature’s comprehensive eBook collections deliver complete access to impactful scholarly content spanning all subject areas. All the collections are available on SpringerLink providing instant access to critical research. For every level of education and research, our eBook collections offer a rich mix of book types such as textbooks, proceedings, monographs, handbooks, and more.
The textbooks and reference books listed under the tabs were extracted for Pharmacy modules. If you want to view the master list of all university modules, please refer to the Textbook List published by Textbook & Publication Division of XJTLU Library.
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