Current Registered Students & Full-time Staff
Visiting | Use XJTLU ID Cards or XJTLU ID QR Code to visit the Library. |
Borrowing | Use XJTLU ID card to borrow items via self-service machines on Level 1, 4, and 8 (SIP campus) / Level 1 (Taicang campus) or Library Circulation Desk on Level 3 (SIP campus) / Level 1 (Taicang campus). Visit the Guide for more details about borrowing. |
Printing, Copying, and Scanning | Use multifunctional printers on Level 1, 3, 4, 5, 9 (SIP campus) / Level 1, 2, 3 (Taicang campus) to print, copy and scan materials. |
Group Study Rooms | Book a room for group discussion via Library Room Booking System. |
Seat Booking | Book a seat (carrel desks on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors, 7th floor, SIP campus) for individual study. Visit the Guide for more details about seat booking. |
Library Catalogue (OPAC) | Search items in Library Catalogue with Internet access. Visit the Guide for more details about using the Catalogue. |
Electronic Resources | Access XJTLU Library’s electronic resources including Databases, E-Books, and E-Journals on campus. You may use Discover, the one-stop searching platform, to search for both print and electronic resources in Library collections. |
Off-campus Access to Electronic Resources | Access XJTLU Library’s electronic resources remotely. Visit Off-Campus Access for the user guide. |
Reference Service | Contact a librarian for reference services via Library Reference Desk on Level 3 (SIP campus), contact number of 0512-8816 6557, LibAnswers, and email of |
Research Appointment | Book a research appointment for a consultation on research by selecting an appropriate time and providing relevant information. |
Subject Guides | Find specific learning and research resources for disciplines in LibGuides. |
Training Workshops | Attend Library workshops on Information Literacy (e.g. smart searching, database utilization, work-smart tools, referencing tools, and scholarly communication). |
LiVE | Log in LiVE, an online equivalent of Information Literacy modules for self-learning. |
Inter-library Loan | Request inter-library loan service to obtain materials that are not available in XJTLU Library. |