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Library Access and Privileges

Current Registered Students & Full-time Staff

Visiting Use XJTLU ID Cards or XJTLU ID QR Code to visit the Library.
Borrowing Use XJTLU ID card to borrow items via self-service machines on Level 1, 4, and 8 (SIP campus) / Level 1 (Taicang campus) or Library Circulation Desk on Level 3 (SIP campus) / Level 1 (Taicang campus). Visit the Guide for more details about borrowing.
Printing, Copying, and Scanning Use multifunctional printers on Level 1, 3, 4, 5, 9 (SIP campus) / Level 1, 2, 3 (Taicang campus) to print, copy and scan materials. 
Group Study Rooms Book a room for group discussion via Library Room Booking System.
Seat Booking Book a seat (carrel desks on the 3rd, 4th and 5th floors, 7th floor, SIP campus) for individual study. Visit the Guide for more details about seat booking.
Library Catalogue (OPAC) Search items in Library Catalogue with Internet access. Visit the Guide for more details about using the Catalogue.
Electronic Resources Access XJTLU Library’s electronic resources including DatabasesE-Books, and E-Journals on campus. You may use Discover, the one-stop searching platform, to search for both print and electronic resources in Library collections.
Off-campus Access to Electronic Resources Access XJTLU Library’s electronic resources remotely. Visit Off-Campus Access for the user guide.
Reference Service Contact a librarian for reference services via Library Reference Desk on Level 3 (SIP campus), contact number of 0512-8816 6557, LibAnswers, and email of
Research Appointment Book a research appointment for a consultation on research by selecting an appropriate time and providing relevant information.
Subject Guides Find specific learning and research resources for disciplines in LibGuides.
Training Workshops Attend Library workshops on Information Literacy (e.g. smart searching, database utilization, work-smart tools, referencing tools, and scholarly communication).
LiVE Log in LiVE, an online equivalent of Information Literacy modules for self-learning.
Inter-library Loan Request inter-library loan service to obtain materials that are not available in XJTLU Library.
+ How to access the Library if I forgot to bring my XJTLU ID Card?
Students or staff who forgot to bring their XJTLU ID Cards with them may use XJTLU APP to scan XJTLU ID QR Code to enter and exit the library.
+ How to access the Library if I lost my XJTLU ID Card?
If a user loses his or her XJTLU ID card, please report the loss to Library Circulation Desk on Level 3 (SIP campus) / Level 1 (Taicang campus) or report card loss on the Library OPAC system. While a new card is being prepared for you, you may use XJTLU APP to scan XJTLU ID QR Code to enter and exit the library.