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Off-Campus Access

Access E-Resources via PC Anywhere


PC Anywhere is a virtual desktop service for XJTLU staff and students, offering remote access to library e-resources.

Please follow the steps below to get resources you want via PC Anywhere:

Step 1  Log on PC Anywhere through Choose PC Anywhere HTML Access, and login with your XJTLU account.

Please be noted that the "Username" should be the prefix of your XJTLU email. For example, input "tom.green2202" instead of "" as the username.

Step 2  Select Public Search and Printing.

Step 3  Use browser such as Firefox on PC Anywhere page to download any e-resources via Library website:

Step 4  Upload your downloaded files to Campus Cloud Storage -  BOX:

Step 5  After that, shut down PC Anywhere page and back to your PC desktop.

Pleased be noted that all files on PC Anywhere will be deleted after shutting down, so ensure all files are successfully uploaded to BOX.

Step 6  Now you are free to use your files via BOX on any device.


For more detailed instruction, please refer to PC anywhere user guide:

Fair Use of XJTLU Library Resources


As a member of XJTLU community, you should follow Fair Use of XJTLU Library’s Resources. Bulk downloading or systematic downloading are always prohibited. Additionally, make sure to keep your XJTLU account and password confidential. Your account will be closed and implemented investigation if any illegal use happened.