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International Young Scholar Forum

Organized by the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences (IOP CAS), the International Young Scholar Forum is an online platform which invites young scientists from all over the world to give talks on their latest research progress in condensed matter physics.

Series Talks on Advanced Quantum Technology 先进量子技术系列讲座 (语言:中文)

简介: 中国科学院物理研究所将以线上网络讲座的形式举办“先进量子技术系列讲座”,介绍量子技术的研究现状及未来发展趋势。系列讲座一般安排在周四的下午3点开始,报告时间为40分钟,另有10分钟到20分钟的提问时间。考虑到很多听众过去都没有从事过量子计算,报告人将从一个更加宏观的层面对整个世界上量子计算及相关量子技术的发展现状及趋势做一个综述,将涵盖超导量子计算、光量子计算、离子阱量子计算、半导体量子计算、拓扑量子计算、量子算法和量子模拟等内容。

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[Physics 13, s122]

[Physics 13, s115]

[Physics 13, s118] 

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Many bibliographic databases allow you to set search alerts which will automatically inform you of new publications issued on topics that are of interest to you.

To set up a search alert you will normally have to take 4 steps:

  1. Set up a personal account on the database you wish to use, this will allow you save searches and alerts.
  2. Create your search and run it to check the results.
  3. Save the search as an alert.
  4. Set up the details of the alert by indicating how you would like to receive the alert (via E-mail or RSS feed) and with what frequency.

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Citation alerts can be set to automatically notify you when a particular research article or conference paper is cited by a new publication appearing in a bibliographic database.

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Some databases also allow you to set up citation alerts to an author rather than a single publication. You can use citation alerting to help you keep track of who is citing your own work. Citation alerts can be set up on scientific literature databases such as Scopus and Web of Science.