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XJTLU Library E-Discovery Week 2016: Gallery

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XJTLU Library E-Discovery Week 2016 Gallery: Learn, Search, Win

10th - 14th October 2016

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) Library holds E-Discovery Week every year and welcome all academic staff and students to join in the event! By providing varieties of activities, the event aims to promote better understanding and increase usage of quality electronic resources amongst XJTLU staff and students.

Event Location: 1st Floor of XJTLU Library









    News Report


    A week of activities organised by the Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University library is aiming to provide students an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the library's e-resources and learn information skills crucial for research. more...

    图书馆开展电子资源推广周活动 学生在培训和游戏中习得新技能

    近日,西浦图书馆开展为期一周的电子资源推广周活动,旨在帮助学生熟悉和了解图书馆的在线学术资源,并学会如何在学习和研究中使用这些资源。 此次活动主要通过竞赛、电子资源培训课程、交流互动等方式向同学们介绍了图书馆丰富的电子资源,其中包括51000册在线期刊及100余个学术数据库。 more...