Being a young university, XJTLU pays much attention to research and scholarship, the importance of which is clearly indicated in the vision and mission of the University. In order to become a research-led international university, XJTLU has made a great effort, and has achieved a relatively good research performance.
Among all categories of research output, published papers are usually recognised as the primary research products of a reseacher or a research institution. In the bibliometric analysis, published papers of XJTLU researchers from 2006 to 2016 (last updated on May 5th, 2017) using one of the world's leading bibliographic databases Web of Science (WoS). Metrics such as productivity, specialisation (research areasand keywords), collaboration and impact are analysed.
Overall, researchers from XJTLU have published 1,216 papers in 718 journals indexed by WoS since the establishment of the University. Types of published papers include research articles, proceeding papers, book reviews, etc. The 1,216 papers are cited 3,889 times in total, with an h-index of 26, meaning that 26 papers are cited for a minimum of 26 times.
This figure shows the distribution of the papers published from 2006 to 2016. The authorship of the papers is distinguished by colors in the columns.
1) The figure shows the map of the research areas of XJTLU's indexed papers published from 2006 to 2016.
2) The size of the rings indicates the amount of papers published on a specific discipline and year.
3) The links and purple rings represent Centrality Strength, a measure which ranges from 0 to 1, reflects the level of multi-disciplinarity. The higher the number is, the more multidisciplinary the research area is.
This figure shows the merged network of research keywords of XJTLU's indexed papers. Each node represents one keyword, and its size is proportional to co-occurrence frequencies.
This figure shows 10 most popular source titles for papers published by XJTLU researchers.
These figures show the Quartile Rankings of the SCI-E and SSCI source journals of XJTLU's papers in its major science research areas, and explores the relations between authorship and the Quartile Rankings of source titles.
* Quartile Rankings are derived for each journal in each of its research areas according to which quartile of the impact
factor (IF) distribution the journal occupies for that research area. Q1 denotes the top 25% of the IF distribution, Q2 for middle-high position (between top 50% and top 25%), Q3 middle-low position (top 75% to top 50%), and Q4 the lowest position (bottom 25% of the IF distribution). Therefore, journals which fall in Q1 are generally considered to be with the highest quality in terms of IF.
The figure shows the co-citation (which means that two journals are cited in one paper) network of most-cited journals in XJTLU researchers' papers. The nodes represent different journals, and the edges denote the co-cited relations among journals. The strength of co-cited relations is expressed by edge thickness, and the co-cited duration is indicated by nodal colors ranging from inner colder tones to external warmer tones meaning temporal variations.