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Giving to the Library

Monetary Donations

Monetary gifts, bequests and memorials contributions are extremely welcome at XJTLU Library.

Monetary Donations

Monetary donations can be general in purpose or designated for a specific use. Gifts can be one-off, ongoing, and in the form of bequests or endowments. Your generosity will be acknowledged by placing a nameplate in each purchased item. For more information about monetary gifts, please contact Xiang Deng at +86(0)512 8818 4899,

Memorial Donations

The Library will be pleased to select appropriate titles in memory of a relative or friend of the donor, as indicated on the donation form. A nameplate will be added to each purchased item with the name of the person being honored. If requested, notification of the gift will be sent to the person designated on the donation form.

 Thank you for your financial support.