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Book Acquisition (for Staff)

School and Academy Book Suggeation

Library has implemented Faculty-Library cooperative acquisition mode. 70% of library budget is calculated to schools using allocation formula. Faculty  could  select  and  recommend  books  within  the  scope  of  subject  profile. Complete the following form according to the instructions and submit to the corresponding liaison librarian. To trace order feedback, the monthly Library Newsletter is suggested to follow.



Staff Self-Purchase Reimbursement

Staff Self-Purchase Reimbursement is an alternative option for staff to recommend books. Please read the following document carefully and follow the instructions in it if you would like to adopt this method to recommend books.

Select Books in Bookstores

The XJTLU staff can select and reserve books in the following bookstores.

Eslite Spectrum Suzhou(苏州诚品书店)

  • TEL: 0512-62986008
  • ADD: No.8 Yue Lang Street, Suzhou Industrial Park

Phoenix Bookstore(凤凰苏州书城)

  • TEL: 0512-62606666
  • ADD: No.158 SuZhou Avenue West, Suzhou Industrial Park

Xinhua Bookstore in GuanQian Street(观前街新华书店)

  • TEL: 0512-67270241
  • ADD: No.166 GuanQian Street, Suzhou

Please show your staff card to the bookstore receptionist when you are reserving books.