Title | Call NO. | ISBN |
Martin Luther King | EN/PE1121./MAR | 9781405881944 |
Silver Blaze and Other Stories | EN/PE1127./A1 | 9787560020686 |
The Promise | EN/PE1117./A2 | 9787560021089 |
New York | EN/PE1121./NEW | 9781405881975 |
The Darling Buds of May | EN/PE1121./DAR | 9781405867696 |
Just Good Friends | EN/PE1127./X4 | 9787560022949 |
The Ironing Man | EN/PR6053./A4696 | 9787560027326 |
Double Cross | EN/PE1128./X1 | 9787560026572 |
The House by the Sea | EN/PZ3./G54 | 9787560022697 |
Sense and Sensibility | EN/PR4034./S42 | 9787560039923 |
Title | Call NO. | ISBN |
Gladiator | EN/PE1117.A2./GLA/58*1 | 9780582471177 |
The Diary of a Young Girl | EN/DS135./N6 | 9780582417762 |
The Godfather | EN/PE1117./A2*5 | 9780582417878 |
Strangers on a Train | EN/PE1127.A2./STR/48 | 9780582418127 |
Seven | EN/PE1121./SEV | 9781405882309 |
The Smuggler | EN/PE1117./X3 | 9787560020655 |
The Women Who Disappeared | EN/PE1127./A1 | 9787560020662 |
The Picture of Dorian Gray | EN/PE1127.A2./PIC/35 | 9787560040493 |
The Lady in White | EN/PE1127./X8 | 9787560027845 |
The Great Gatsby | EN/PS3511./I9 | 9787810807241 |
Title | Call NO. | ISBN |
Emma | EN/PE1121./EMM | 9781405074544 |
Gone with the Wind | EN/PS3525.I972./G6 | 9780582418066 |
About a Boy | EN/PE1127.A2./ABO/53 | 9780582779624 |
Cinderella Man | EN/PE1127.A2./CIN/46 | 9781405806428 |
The Time Machine | EN/PR5774./T5 | 9781405833493 |
Round the World in Eighty Days | EN/PZ3./V594 | 9780582427204 |
Stories of Detection and Mystery | EN/PE1127.A2./STO/23 | 9780582419391 |
Sherlock Holmes Short Stories | EN/PE1117./A2*4 | 9780582419384 |
Great Expectations | EN/PE1127.A2./GRE/22 | 9787810807104 |
The Invisible Man | EN/PR5774./I6 | 9780582419308 |
Title | Call NO. | ISBN |
Rebecca | EN/PE1117.A2./REB/144 | 9781405077132 |
Vanity Fair | EN/PE1121./VAN*1 | 9781405083928 |
The Creative Impulse and Other Stories | EN/PE1121./CRE | 9781405073226 |
Mine Boy | EN/PE1121./MIN | 9781405073264 |
Brave New World | EN/PE1127.A2./BRA/26 | 9780582419452 |
Business at the Speed of Thought | EN/PE1117.A2./P46*1 | 9780582343009 |
Captain Corelli's Mandolin | PR6054.E132.CAP-5 | 9780582461352 |
A Love for Life | EN/RC280.B8./M358 | 9787560027876 |
Our Mutural Friend | EN/PE1127.A2./OUR/41 | 9781405073295 |
The Beach | EN/PE1127.A2./BEA/62 | 9780582435674 |
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