The EBSCO eBook Academic Collection offers over 200,000 multidisciplinary eBooks covering a diverse array of academic subjects across a wide range of disciplines, from 110+ leading university presses: MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Harvard University Press and many more. The complete collection covers specific, high-interest disciplines, including business, humanities, medicine, technology, computer science, data science, education, psychology and many more.
The Ecoinvent database is a life cycle inventory (LCI) database supporting various sustainability assessments. It currently contains more than 18,000 activities, otherwise called ‘datasets’, modeling human activities or processes.
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THE PLAN Journal (TPJ) intends to disseminate and promote innovative, thought-provoking and relevant research, studies and criticism in architecture and urbanism. The TPJ is a spin-off from THE PLAN, the Maggioli SpA Publishing Group’s flagship magazine established in 2001, which enjoys a worldwide distribution as well as a reputation of one of the most acclaimed architecture and design magazines on the market. The TPJ is articulated in a series of sections such as narration, theory, typology, technology, reflective practice, landscape urbanism and cross-disciplinary studies.