Helps learners develop the whole rang of reading skills
at six levels: prediction, vocab strategies, inference,
skimming, topic sentences and much more.
Ideal for IELTS preparation: the interactive activities,
advice videos, and practice tests are aimed precisely
at the challenges candidates face.
Focuses on the features of natural, fluent speech: word
and sentence stress, consonant clusters, connected
speech and intonation. Choose from three models:
Australian, British or North American English.
A comprehensive course in academic study skills:
focuses on language skills as well as critical thinking,
independent learning, seminars and research.
Practical Writing is for students at Intermediate to
Advanced level who need to use written English
both at school and in their personal life.
Helps learners improve their understanding of 33 key
grammar areas from some/any at Elementary level to
phrasal verbs at Advanced level.
Tips 1:
As a new user, you can create an account with XJTLU mail address for self-learning process tracing.
Otherwise, you can click "Continue as a guest", guest account without self-learning process tracing.
How to register a new account?
Tips 2:
To run this program, you need an up-to-date version of one of these browsers:
Tips 3:
You can try another channel if you can't play the video in programs.
If you have a problem accessing ClarityEnglish programs, try the following steps:
1. Clear the cache data on your browser.
2. Use private browsing mode or incognito mode.
If the problem still persists, please send the following information to
- Account information: email address or username or URL
- Screenshot of the error message