The EBSCO eBook Academic Collection offers over 200,000 multidisciplinary eBooks covering a diverse array of academic subjects across a wide range of disciplines, from 110+ leading university presses: MIT Press, State University of New York Press, Cambridge University Press, University of California Press, McGill-Queen’s University Press, Harvard University Press and many more. The complete collection covers specific, high-interest disciplines, including business, humanities, medicine, technology, computer science, data science, education, psychology and many more.
The Ecoinvent database is a life cycle inventory (LCI) database supporting various sustainability assessments. It currently contains more than 18,000 activities, otherwise called ‘datasets’, modeling human activities or processes.
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The OECD, the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, is an intergovernmental international economic organization composed of 30 market economy countries. The OECD's Online Library encompasses 51 journals from 1998 to the present, 44 online statistical databases with over 7 billion data entries and 16,840 books, 7,230 working papers, and 275,030 charts. Disciplines ranges from economy, finance, education, energy, law, and technology to social issues, migration and health, urban and regional development, industry and services, International Energy Agency energy data, employment, agriculture and food, trade, and International Nuclear Energy Agency nuclear data.
THE PLAN Journal (TPJ) intends to disseminate and promote innovative, thought-provoking and relevant research, studies and criticism in architecture and urbanism. The TPJ is a spin-off from THE PLAN, the Maggioli SpA Publishing Group’s flagship magazine established in 2001, which enjoys a worldwide distribution as well as a reputation of one of the most acclaimed architecture and design magazines on the market. The TPJ is articulated in a series of sections such as narration, theory, typology, technology, reflective practice, landscape urbanism and cross-disciplinary studies.